
Community Nursing

At Karely, we are passionate about ensuring that all our participants receive the care they need to live life on their own terms. We believe that support services such as community nursing are an essential part of the larger picture of disability care.

As a leading provider of health and disability care services, we’re proud to help countless participants of ours, organise community nursing support as part of their NDIS plan.

We have years of experience in maximising the support our participants receive, and can help you or a loved one do the same. Whether it’s promoting good health, preventing sickness, or addressing existing health problems, look to Karely for the support you need.

Community Nursing

Our NDIS-supported community nurses

Our registered nurses work with you, your loved ones, and other service providers to ensure your health needs are met. Delivered with care from the comfort of your home, our community nursing services include:

General nursing care

Palliative care and in-home support

Wound and injury management

Medication and pain management

Health assessments and further support coordination.

Why choose Karely?

We take a holistic and personalised approach, and have years of experience in navigating the NDIS, ensuring that everyone in our care is able to make the most of their NDIS plan.

Get in touch with Karely

We encourage you to reach out to learn more about what we can do to support you and ensure you’re getting the most out of your plan.

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